Saturday, September 19, 2009

7 Questions with Mila Kunis


Mila Kunis has been acting since she was 12 and she turned out okay. She had a hit series, That ‘70s Show, she does funny movies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall and she’s about to do the Darren Aronofsky ballerina drama Black Swan. But first, another comedy. In Mike Judge’s Extract, she plays Cindy, a con artist who comes to town to get a piece of the settlement money from the victim of an extract factory accident. Yeah, she takes your money, but she’s so cute.

Zimbio: What’s your favorite thing about Cindy, your character in Extract?
Mila Kunis: That she’s so opposite me, that she’s crazy. She’s not very normal, to say the least, so she’s just very fun to play. She’s crazy.

Mila+Kunis in Comic-Con 2009 - Day 2 
Zimbio: Do you think pretty girls can get away with more in real life?
Mila Kunis: Personally, no. I don’t. I really don’t. I do think that there are women out there. You look at L.A. No one’s really from L.A. All the pretty people from the world all come to L.A. so L.A.’s just filled with beautiful women. But, I feel like there’s two groups of them. You have one that solely relies on their looks and that’s fine. If that’s what they have to get through life, so be it. And then you have the beautiful women that actually have something else to offer the world and are constantly fighting against the stereotype.

Zimbio: I don’t know if you know this, but boys kind of like you. It's possible that's why they cast you in this part.
Mila Kunis: I do not look like this every day. I in fact very rarely look like this, so no, I can’t even get out of a parking ticket.

Zimbio: It’s the natural beauty?
Mila Kunis: I think there are certain actresses, absolutely, that exude a certain amount of sexuality or whatever it may be that men just completely fumble over. I do not feel that I’m that person, personally.

Mila+Kunis in Spike TV's 2009  
Zimbio: Who do you get fangirl for? Who would you just geek out to meet?
Mila Kunis: A lot of people. I nerd out a lot. I have a bad tendency to be like, “I’m so cool,” and then I meet them and I get like, “Oh my God!” It happens all the time in the most random places. I was at a restaurant in New York City, like a hole in the wall, and it was a contestant from Project Runway. Just a contestant that I personally felt should’ve won. It was maybe a year ago, two years ago. He was eating there, having his lunch, totally fine. I’m with my group of friends and I couldn’t stop staring at him. I was like, “That’s the guy, that’s the guy.” So I was like, “I’m going to play it cool. It’s no big deal.” Finished eating, and I was planning on walking away. Like, I got dressed to just walk away and something came over me and I just turned around and like it was diarrhea of the mouth. I was like, “Oh my God, I totally think you should’ve won. I’m such a fan.” And he was just so like, “Whoa, this girl’s crazy.” Completely nerded out on him like there was no tomorrow.

Zimbio: Was it Daniel?
Mila Kunis: [Nods] He should’ve won. He should’ve won. It was one of those seasons where I was like, “Wha, what?” And so I nerded out on him. Yeah, I think Daniel should’ve won. In New York City, I nerded out on Daniel.

Zimbio: In your next movie, Black Swan, you play a ballerina with Natalie Portman and the Internet’s all abuzz about your sex scene with her. Is it that big a deal as people are making it out to be, or would you care to add fuel to the fire?
Mila Kunis: I will not be adding any fuel to this fire, let me tell you that much. Here’s the truth. This is the honest truth. The script is so under lock and key, completely under lock and key, I in fact have no idea how anybody could’ve read it at all. It’s not possible. There are maybe about four copies. So I’m not going to say it’s not true. I’m not going to say it is true because I just can’t talk about it. But, it’s very bizarre how anything would even get out because it’s such a private script.
Mila+Kunis in Mila Kunis And Ben Affleck On The Set Of 'Extract' 
Zimbio: You can talk about World of Warcraft though. There’s no actress as big a WoW fan as you.
Mila Kunis: You’d be surprised. Let me correct that one. I’m telling you, you would be very surprised. I might be the only one that spoke about it is the problem.

Zimbio: Well, they’re making a movie of that. You should get in on that.
Mila Kunis: What am I going to do, play a gnome? Gnome maids with like green pigtails spewing fire and frost… But, I am very excited to see this movie. I think it’s going to be very hard, being that I’m a fan, I don't know what they’re going to do. I can’t imagine what movie they’re going to create. Like, what’s the storyline going to be? I would watch the movie. I don't know if I could actually ever be a part of it because I’m such a fan, I don't know if I’d want to actually be in it. I don't know what the storyline’s going to be. What are they going to do, show how alliance versus hordes started? What’s the story going to be like, the story of Stormwind? I have no idea. How they’re going to put Ironforge onscreen baffles me. I can keep talking about this. I’ll stop but I’m excited about it. I am but I don't know.

Zimbio: Actually, this is what your fans want to know. You must have all the consoles too, not just PC.
Mila Kunis: Yeah, I do. Yeah, yeah, all of it.

Mila+Kunis in Premiere Of Universal's  
Zimbio: What’s your favorite game outside of Warcraft?
Mila Kunis: I’ll tell you. So Call of Duty, if you finish it in first person, do you know about this? With the Nazi zombies. That, to me, is really fun.  You finish Call of Duty first person, okay? You unlock this little game and your whole purpose is just to kill these Nazi zombies. You have to board up the windows. And I’m not necessarily good at it. It’s just fun. The thing is, I used to play a lot more. I used to play a lot and it’s kind of toned down a little bit. You know, it’s now become normal.

Zimbio: No more 18 hour all night marathons?
Mila Kunis: Oh yeah, but I quit. I stopped playing World of Warcraft a year ago. I feel like I’m talking about drugs.

Zimbio: It is like an addiction though.
Mila Kunis: You join a guild, right? And in this guild, you would sign up for raids. Depending on how serious your guild is, once you sign up for a raid and you don’t show up, your guild rips you a new one. And, if you don’t make enough quath for them, whatever. It became an issue of like, “Were are all our potions? You’re supposed to make this for the raid.” And I was like, “I’m sorry, I’m in Canada working.”

Zimbio: They don’t know you’re Mila Kunis online though.
Mila Kunis: They’re like, “What do you do?” I’m like, “I’m a teacher.” It never made sense to anybody as to why my times kept changing. So it became too hard. I would be sitting here going, “We have to finish this soon. I have a raid at 1 o’clock.” That’s not very professional.

Zimbio: Those guilds must be missing a lot without you.
Mila Kunis: I was a gnome mage and my two things were alchemy and tailoring. And then I did jewel crafting for a minute when that came out.

Zimbio: When That ‘70s Show finally wrapped, what did you steal or keep from the set?
Mila Kunis: What I stole was the little chair in the basement. There was a chair that had a pillow on top of it. It was like a rainbow pillow and it was circular. It’s in my house. I stole that. We all took something. Everybody has something. I’ll tell you, that’s about it though. The rest I won’t say but I stole the little orange chair.

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