Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Interview with Jade Cole

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One of my biggest hopes going into fashion week was that I'd get the chance to catch up with an ex-ANTM girl. At the MCM New York launch party last night, my dreams came true: I got to chat with Cycle 6's Jade Cole. Yes, that Jade: the snapping poet whose hair Tyra chopped off and dyed orange.

Ms. Cole's been out of the country for a while, working in South Africa and Hong Kong (she joins the ranks of many an ex-ANTM model, including Cycle 5 winner Nicole). She's just moved to Los Angeles, where she's breaking into the film industry - she stars in Jamie Foxx's newest music video. She's also writing an autobiography about her life before America's Next Top Model, which will include some of the poetry that made her the cycle's most famous contestant.

When asked about the current season, in which all the contestants are under 5'6", Jade was frank: "It's kind of sad because [Tyra's] giving false hope to young girls. Because in this harsh reality of the fashion world, let's face it, being 5'6"'s not going to happen."

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