Saturday, September 19, 2009

Interview with Tracy Morgan


Tracy Morgan is funny. Don’t try to be funnier than Tracy Morgan. He’ll beat you every time. It’s still awesome though. In his last movie, G-Force, he voiced a guina pig. It made a crushing $117 million in the box office. On television, he plays "Tracy Jordan," an unbridled, unhinged eccentric movie star whose day job is on a sketch television show. We all know what it's called. So we caught up with this man, one of the funniest working actors/comedians and just started shooting questions at him. Here are the results. Enjoy.
Tracy Morgan: Is this Fred?

Zimbio: This is.
Tracy Morgan: Fred! Hey, Fred! What’s up, Fred? I love the name Fred. It’s like a real man's name. "Fred." Hey, Fred. Everybody loves Fred. It’s like Fred and Norman. I love those names.

Zimbio: Thank you. Now, even though your last movie [G-Force] was for kids, this interview is for grown-ups, okay?
Tracy Morgan: Cool. I ain’t telling you where the bodies are buried though. I ain’t gonna tell you where the body’s buried! I’m not letting nobody know where my man is buried out. What was his name? The guy they said is buried under Giants stadium? Hoffa.

[Watch Tracy Morgan on Jimmy Fallon]

Zimbio: Is G-Force a movie Tracy Jordan would have done?
Tracy Morgan: No, G-Force is a movie Tracy Morgan did. Tracy Jordan is just a figment of somebody’s imagination. Wait a minute, you waited three days to ask me that question like that? Oh boy. No, Tracy Jordan doesn’t really exist. Only on TV he exists. Let me tell you something. Tracy Morgan is not a part of Tracy Jordan. Tracy Jordan’s just a part of a Tracy Morgan. Just a small part. If you think Tracy Jordan is interesting, you gotta meet Tracy Morgan, bro. That dude rocks.

Tracy+Morgan in 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - ArrivalsZimbio: That’s why I wanted to talk to you. So was the role of Blaster originally written for an African-American guinea pig?
Tracy Morgan: Was the role of blaster originally written for an African-American guinea pig? Is that what you just asked me? What kind of question is that, dude? That’s not a funny question. There’s no such thing as an African-American guinea pig. You’re trying to get me to step on landmines, my friend.

Zimbio: Hmm, better stick to safer territory... So what’s going on next season on 30 Rock?
Tracy Morgan: Probably just more of the same stuff. I’m quite sure the writers have something. They’re conspiring to make the season great and make it really funny and make people laugh.

Tracy+Morgan in 2008 Vh1 Hip Hop Honors - Arrivals 
Zimbio: What’s your favorite thing about Tracy Jordan?
Tracy Morgan: My favorite thing about Tracy Jordan is that he has $300 million and he’s an international movie star. It’s fun because I look forward to Nick at Nite. I look forward to the 30 Rock marathon on New Year’s Eve. Things like that.

Zimbio: I like that he’s so earnest, like he said he’s really never taken a photo before.
Tracy Morgan: [Laughs] That’s funny. That character is really hilarious.

Zimbio: Who is the most famous person on your speed dial?
Tracy Morgan: Jesus Christ. [I have a] direct line to him.

Zimbio: How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
Tracy Morgan: Any day above ground is a good day.

Zimbio: What would make this interview more fun?
Tracy Morgan: If you were drunk.

[Watch Tracy Morgan on SNL]

Zimbio: It’s not even noon yet.
Tracy Morgan: Even before noon.

Zimbio: What does it feel like to be Tracy Morgan right now?
Tracy Morgan: I don't know, I’ve been Tracy Morgan for 40 years. It’s been so long that it’s normal to me. I’ve never stepped outside of me but I can imagine it must be cool. It feels cool. I love me. I love ME. God gave me life to live and I love it. My life is like an adventure. It’s just cool. It’s ups and downs. I feel normal, like everyone else.

Tracy+Morgan in Overture Films Premiere of Righteous Kill - Arrivals 
Zimbio: And to have hit movies and a hit TV show must be gratifying.
Tracy Morgan: That’s gotta be cool, isn’t it? Not bad for a kid that went to public school, huh? Not bad for a kid out of the public school system. And they say the public school system don’t work.

Zimbio: Well, they don’t leave any children behind.
Tracy Morgan: No, they don’t leave nobody behind.

Zimbio: Our time’s almost up so I hope I didn’t leave anything out.
Tracy Morgan: No, I think you’ve asked me everything under the sun.

Zimbio: Well, I hope you had fun with it.
Tracy Morgan: Yes, I love it. Thank you.

Zimbio: No, thank you.
Tracy Morgan: Thank you for documenting everything. Thank you.

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